Sunday, November 28, 2010

All Around Us

At the end of the day, life is about sharing everything you love with someone you love and loves you back.

That famous line from Moulin Rouge makes sense now.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Surfingggg, duuude!!!

This has been the longest week of my entire life!! But in a good way.

Today I saw something at the store I work at, something I've never seen before apart that from the telly. Surfboard wax. Yeah!! it looks like soap and comes on different colours and packages, and it smells DELICIOUS. The name of the brand is STICKY BUMPS, looks like this:

I'm gonna buy a surfboard as soon as I get the chance. Since I work in front of the beach and get off around 4 pm, it's a perfect time for surfing and tanning! ^_^

Speaking about different things, I've been writing a lot with cursive letter, and have been drawing a lot of KICK ASS SHIT. I've never considered myself a good drawer, but hey! who knew I was talented? Pictures to be displayed later on!!

I'm off to run some miles. Take care everyone! (who reads this meh!)



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I need a fucking laptop!!!

A lot of shit is about to come and I need a laptop and an ipod. I've never been a fan of lp's because I like the comfort of desktops. I saw a cool lap top support on Ikea, check it out:

That's sweet, innit? I hate typing without any back support, but that seems to be a good thing to have if you're a lap top owner.

Changing the subject....

Ugh, I have so many things going on right now! I wish the days were longer! working, school, social life and hobbies are very hard to keep up in just 24 hours (not even 24 hours, I love waking up late).

I'm not brighter because I sleep longer!

I must be off, but I leave you with this brilliant quote:

"You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast! "





Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Coronado Beach and Football

I went to the beach today and got sand in my ass and between my breasts. Still, I enjoyed getting a light tan.

Mexico VS Spain= 1-1

I thought we were going to win against the WC Champion, but then El Chino came along and scored a goal (motherfucker) at least I was happy to see Mexico playing well and actually scoring. Now let's wait for the Chivas results...

I'm going Ice Skating on Friday and having some pre and post drinks with my cousins. Looks like it's gonna be a great weekend!!

Take care everyone.

I haven't been taking pictures but I will as soon as I get my car's registration sticker.



More reviews coming up!

Remember to go to !!!
Tomorrow some amazing reviews and blogs will be up. So click the link and enjoy a sweet music site.

Here's the video of the day:

Photo I took:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It Never Gets Old...

Enjoy everyone.

I took this video so here's the guys info.

Shot by:
Follow me on Twitter:

The music is "Please don't go" by Barcelona. iTunes:
Barcelona's website:

This was shot at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan.

Download the desktop wallpaper:

Buy the album Absolutes by Barcelona on the iTunes store:

The main tank called the 'Kuroshio Sea' holds 7,500-cubic meters (1,981,290 gallons) of water and features the world's second largest acrylic glass panel, measuring 8.2 meters by 22.5 meters with a thickness of 60 centimeters. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept amongst many other fish species in the main tank.


This was shot using a Canon 5DMKII with a 28-135mm lens.

You should visit my website:

Maybe it's still there today....

Music (especially when I’m driving)
Pretzel Chips
Anime (Magical Girl, Harem, Yaoi, Yuri and Magical gf
Jokes (racist ones especially)
Bobas (aka bubble tea, google it)
Cigarettes (I’m not that picky with’em anymore)
Beer, Wine, Whiskey, Vodka and Tequila (rum in coffee tastes good tho)
Shopping for a new season (when I have money, otherwise I don’t even go to the mall, what’s the point?)
Lip balm (x10)
Victoria’s Secret
Movies (I’ve become more open about this, too)
Accents (My favourite ones are: British [especially geordie, manc, and any scottish one] Virgina (YES) Argentine, and Spanish [Barcelona to be precise)
Asian cuisine (pho, rolls, sushi, you name it!)
Bohemian/hippiesh/arty handbags
Anything brown or purple :)
Sauna Rooms
White boys <3


A photograph I took over Balboa park

A few from Ocean Beach


Random faves.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I better start running.

I'm restless and while my sun is about to rise, yours has been up for hours and I'm forever chasing the day. How are things on the other side of the world? California sun shines with fury during the day and it's accompanied by chilly evenings. I love this weather, you wake up and it's cloudy but is not cold nor too warm, it's hot during the afternoon but I love how every single building or store in San Diego has their own big Air Conditioner, and like I said, the evenings are fresh and cloudy while the nights are slightly chilly.

You probably didn't know but during fall 99% of California girls wear Sweatshirts with short shorts and flip flops (now here's something Katy Parry didn't tell you) I've always found this "attire" a very strange one, but then again I wear some clothes that are even stranger (cowboy boots and Zeppelin shirts anyone?) At the end of the day we all have the same flesh underneath our jeans, heels, baseball caps and cocktail dresses.

Another thing I'd like to remark is about this store, Hollister, which sells the same clothes as the "brother stores" Aeropostale, Abercrombie, etc. I remember entering the store many years ago and never coming back, I didn't remember why I didn't like going there until I went back a couple of days ago. The moment I stepped in I stood there for a minute waiting for the "automatic lights" to turn on, but nothing happened. What the fuck is this? this is a low light store that has less lighting than the one Paris Hilton used for her porn video. What's the point? At least they should have a guy at the entrance saying "can I offer you a lantern?" but then again, how would I shop with a lantern on my hand and my cinnamon dolce late on the other one? It's ridiculous, and kids love it... ok yes I bought a skirt, but there was some lightning on that section!

Seems like everything is changing around me. I better hurry up and catch them up or I'll become uncool.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How much did you wait for it?? Here it goes!!

I'm feeling very... nostalgic tonight, so I'm gonna write about something that's been bothering me for quite a while now.

Since 2001 I've been a die hard Coldplay fan. I loved X&Y, I loved Viva and I'm sure I'll love whatever Coldplay releases until they disappear or until I die. No, don't call me dramatic, poseur or commercial. I love Coldplay because they are simply amazing artists, they turn simple chords into magic and pureness. Chris Martin has the ability to get into people's hearts with his simple yet beautiful lyrics. Yes, he's lost his voice a little bit, but he's still much of a better singer than most bands nowadays. Coldplay made me the person that I am.

Everything I currently listen to, watch, read is because of them, because they got deep deep into my mind and my heart when I was getting into puberty, and they've managed to stay there not only because of what they provoked me back then, but because they've kept that honesty and magical way of making great songs and great albums. What can you rant about the "new"Coldplay? their Sgt. Peppers esque suits? So you, you that person that loved them with either Parachutes or AROBTTH, why you don't like them anymore? because they're big and famous now? do you see them making commercials for GAP or Coca-Cola? do you see them trying to write lyrics that talk about bitches and arses? Is it because Chris collaborates with rappers? so what? that's apart from Coldplay. Who's the poseur here? I think you are, because you refuse to listen to something that is too mainstream only to remain hip or indie. I don't give a fuck if what I listen to is commercial or not, I don't give a fuck if what I like is being played on MTV. That's the beauty about music and free will!!! we can enjoy whatever we want!

I like me some country songs, some hip hop, some pop, some jazz (yeah fuck Noel Gallagher, I FUCKING LOVE JAZZ) some mariachi, cumbias, metal, Barney's songs, etc etc. So are you judging me? the person who enjoys whatever it is she really likes without caring what the weird tattooed, vegan kid thinks or the OVERLY PRETENTIOUS girl who says "I love Everything is Illuminated and tea, and taking pictures of cats and weird hats and listen only to Sufjan Stevens" or that "rock the oldies" fan who refuses to listen to anything that goes beyond 1989 because "music is shite nowadays" well guess what??? you probably weren't even born before 1989 GTFO. And where's me arrow goddammit??? HERE IT IS --->>>

Let me listen my Coldplay, my Mandy Moore (yeah, cause I'm a girl and I love cheesy shit and I'm not afraid of what that weird indie kid will think of me for being a girl and liking romantic shit!!!) my dance music (guess what, I took jazz dance for years and love Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears and I know all their songs and dance like crazy with them) and some other "mainstream"shit that I dig.

And PS- I probably know more about music than you, and just because you know bands like "Me and Bees Buzzing Around" or "The Big Whale That Ate My Sandwich" and all those bands with names taken out of "indie books" with those skinny legged kids, that wear 80's glasses and think they're so cool because they put ukuleles and cats purring in their songs doesn't make them any better than the "stupid ass pop shit that they sing in American Idol" so yeah, eat shit and go get a fucking life you pretentious ass mother fucker. Music is music, don't go around thinking you're cooler than the High School girls who listen to Justin Bieber and read Twilight, I bet you're jealous because they get more boys than you THE WEIRDO WHO RELATED TO JUNO, will ever have in your life, and don't go around saying "I don't care about those boys they like, they're stupid and I'm smart and wear cool hats" shut up, you know you'd piss yourself if the football hottie approaches to you and asks you out. I've finally learned to accept everything and anything. Love for everyone, everywhere, at anytime. Give me some love, no matter who you are, and I'll give some love back.

Go on, on your bike. GTFO ---->>

Saturday, July 31, 2010

These could be the best days of our lives.

DEFINITELY. Little by little the puzzle pieces are gathering and I am seeing a new figure, a good one. My brother is off to New York and I feel like a huge piece of my body is being taken. He's going away for 6 months, we've never been away from eachother for that long. But life is what it is and everything happens for a reason. I just hope everything turns out ok as I'm sure it will. Like I said: Good things happen to good people, and goddammit we're incredible people.

This year seems that it has been very bold but if I look at the big picture, is the year on which I've learned the most by only observing.

Tomy, te voy a extrañar mucho, demasiado!!! te quiero <3



Thursday, July 29, 2010

Matches For Fire

Everything seems to be turning right. At the end of the day good things happen to good people, innit?

I won't be very explanatory today, instead I'll leave you with 2 photos I took from a cousins XV party and a song.

PS- Let me just say I freakin' loved INCEPTION. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is an AMAZING actor and Leo DiCaprio should've won an Oscar long time ago (not that Academy Awards are that reliable nowadays) but still!! Leo we love you!!!



Friday, July 23, 2010

My heart is a bloom

Fall academic semester is about to start and along with it the beautiful autumn is coming!!! Is my favourite season because is not too warm, and not too cold, only a little bit chilly, a hand-able chilliness. The clothes are prettier, the sky is prettier, the leaves are prettier, even the people seems nicer. Bets of all? is the shortest semester in school!!! Summer is shorter obviously but it implies much more pressure and headaches. Autumn Rocks!!

I'm still doing job hunting but I've already picked my classes. Best wishes to everybody during this semester!!!



Saturday, July 17, 2010

California Love

I am back in SD. With no money whatsoever but a heart full hope and a mind full of ideas and goals to achieve. This is a new opportunity that has been given to me and I won't take it for granted. Everything remains the same and I am not complaining. I missed seeing more than one race on a queue while waiting to buy a pack of cigarettes from a grumpy hindu man; I missed seeing white girls with mini shorts, long flowered dresses and big sun glasses; I missed seeing those awkward homeless people at Downtown; I missed the international food and the bad yet respectful driving that american people brings. At the end of the day, is all about the little things.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Parachutes was released 10 years ago today. Hear a song from the show Coldplay played that day

It's been 9 years since I became a Coldplay fan. Back then I would've never imagined this "indie english band" would become one of the biggest, greatest bands of this decade. I'm a proud Coldplayer and I'm really happy to see there are millions of fans who I can share this love with. I still remember the first time I heard Coldplay: It was 2001 and I was watching the Mtv Movie Awards, Cast Away was nominated for several categories including Best Kiss (Thom Hanks & Helen Hunt) when they were showing the nominees for best kiss, Yellow was played at the background and I immediately fell in love with the song. I later found out that my brother had some tapes a friend lent him with the songs Shiver, Yellow and Everything's Not Lost. Later on I bought the album and by 2002 when A Rush Of Blood To The Head came out, I was a big Coldplay fan already... still am.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Climb Up A Mountain

I had surgery!!!! I won't give any details except that this was my 1st time EVER at a hospital. A male nurse was flirting with me and I must say that his flirtatiousness made me less nervous. Hospitals are not fun!!!!

I'm from San Diego: therefore, I love me some SD bands, my favourite I must say is AUGUSTANA (as you probably have seen already) still. I'll leave you with this!!!



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A bit of literature and music.

My brother in law lend me 2 books and I must say they were amazing. Also, I've been listening to The National's new album called "High Violet" I fully recommend it as well.

Plot summary

Emil Sinclair is a young boy raised in a bourgeois home, amidst what is described as a Scheinwelt, a play on words that means "world of light" as well as "world of illusion". Emil's entire existence can be summarized as a struggle between two worlds: the show world of illusion (related to the Hindu concept of maya) and the real world, the world of spiritual truth. In the course of the novel, accompanied and prompted by his mysterious classmate 'Max Demian', he detaches from and revolts against the superficial ideals of the world of appearances and eventually awakens into a realization of self.

Plot introduction

Like The Secret Adversary, the novel concentrates less on pure detection and is more a thriller of the period. It follows the adventures of Anne Beddingfeld as she gets involved in a world of diamond thieves, murderers and political intrigue in this tale set in exotic Southern Africa. Colonel Race makes his first appearance in the novel; he later appears in Cards on the Table, Sparkling Cyanide, and Death on the Nile.

Link to download:

"High Violet is another batch of cement to further supplement The National's already unshakable concrete career," also calling the album "their third masterpiece in a row."

Here's a picture I took a couple of days ago:

Hasta la proxima.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For every cloud there's a Silver Lining.

I've witnessed 2 shootings. One of them I saw a young man getting cold blooded killed by 3 men wearing black leather jackets, black masks, jeans and black boots. Action movies are amazing but once you've seen death it kind of gives you a different perspective.

Chihuahua is a playground for the Drug Cartels and the citizens are just the decoration to compliment the game the play at every single day. I want to go back to San Diego not because I'm a coward but because I have nothing for me in this place anymore, except some members of my family, not even friends.

I've realized that the people who I used to get together with remain the same. have changed and didn't notice it until I came back to Chihuahua. Beach much?

Between all the assassinations, drugs, stupid people and bad music, I'm not exactly sad, desperate or feeling useless. Another parts of my life are strangely getting fixed, things I thought I would've never changed if I wasn't here. For every cloud there's a silver lining.

Will keep you informed.


PS- Check out this amazing song: