Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We're all emos.

Admit it. You've just broken up with your love partner; somebody passed away; the person you like is dating somebody else; your father is sick; what kind of music do you play??? A lot of people says that "up-beat" music gives them energy and refreshes them, when in fact they've been listening to James Blunt all day. But why do we like depressing music? No matter how tough or "metal" you are, you're always going to play some sobby tracks if you're feeling down.

Even if I am not sad I play slow/chill/ambient music, either as background music, some deep conscious thoughts or for some daydreaming. Music with emotional lyrics and melodies keeps us aware from the situation that we're going or went through; is in our bodies to be sentimental, whether is in private or public (by the way, one thing is trusting your friend as a shoulder, another one is weeping all fucking day with no smiles or wiliness to do something about your depression). That pisses me off, please chin up and go forward!! Some crying is good to relieve your inside emotions, but how many emotions can you cry in one day??? One day of good crying is more than enough.

So I am writing this because just moments ago I was listening to some sentimental music that strangely enough makes me feel... content. Enjoy the following videos as much as I did. And please don't cry, it'll mess your keyboard.



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