Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How much did you wait for it?? Here it goes!!

I'm feeling very... nostalgic tonight, so I'm gonna write about something that's been bothering me for quite a while now.

Since 2001 I've been a die hard Coldplay fan. I loved X&Y, I loved Viva and I'm sure I'll love whatever Coldplay releases until they disappear or until I die. No, don't call me dramatic, poseur or commercial. I love Coldplay because they are simply amazing artists, they turn simple chords into magic and pureness. Chris Martin has the ability to get into people's hearts with his simple yet beautiful lyrics. Yes, he's lost his voice a little bit, but he's still much of a better singer than most bands nowadays. Coldplay made me the person that I am.

Everything I currently listen to, watch, read is because of them, because they got deep deep into my mind and my heart when I was getting into puberty, and they've managed to stay there not only because of what they provoked me back then, but because they've kept that honesty and magical way of making great songs and great albums. What can you rant about the "new"Coldplay? their Sgt. Peppers esque suits? So you, you that person that loved them with either Parachutes or AROBTTH, why you don't like them anymore? because they're big and famous now? do you see them making commercials for GAP or Coca-Cola? do you see them trying to write lyrics that talk about bitches and arses? Is it because Chris collaborates with rappers? so what? that's apart from Coldplay. Who's the poseur here? I think you are, because you refuse to listen to something that is too mainstream only to remain hip or indie. I don't give a fuck if what I listen to is commercial or not, I don't give a fuck if what I like is being played on MTV. That's the beauty about music and free will!!! we can enjoy whatever we want!

I like me some country songs, some hip hop, some pop, some jazz (yeah fuck Noel Gallagher, I FUCKING LOVE JAZZ) some mariachi, cumbias, metal, Barney's songs, etc etc. So are you judging me? the person who enjoys whatever it is she really likes without caring what the weird tattooed, vegan kid thinks or the OVERLY PRETENTIOUS girl who says "I love Everything is Illuminated and tea, and taking pictures of cats and weird hats and listen only to Sufjan Stevens" or that "rock the oldies" fan who refuses to listen to anything that goes beyond 1989 because "music is shite nowadays" well guess what??? you probably weren't even born before 1989 GTFO. And where's me arrow goddammit??? HERE IT IS --->>>

Let me listen my Coldplay, my Mandy Moore (yeah, cause I'm a girl and I love cheesy shit and I'm not afraid of what that weird indie kid will think of me for being a girl and liking romantic shit!!!) my dance music (guess what, I took jazz dance for years and love Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears and I know all their songs and dance like crazy with them) and some other "mainstream"shit that I dig.

And PS- I probably know more about music than you, and just because you know bands like "Me and Bees Buzzing Around" or "The Big Whale That Ate My Sandwich" and all those bands with names taken out of "indie books" with those skinny legged kids, that wear 80's glasses and think they're so cool because they put ukuleles and cats purring in their songs doesn't make them any better than the "stupid ass pop shit that they sing in American Idol" so yeah, eat shit and go get a fucking life you pretentious ass mother fucker. Music is music, don't go around thinking you're cooler than the High School girls who listen to Justin Bieber and read Twilight, I bet you're jealous because they get more boys than you THE WEIRDO WHO RELATED TO JUNO, will ever have in your life, and don't go around saying "I don't care about those boys they like, they're stupid and I'm smart and wear cool hats" shut up, you know you'd piss yourself if the football hottie approaches to you and asks you out. I've finally learned to accept everything and anything. Love for everyone, everywhere, at anytime. Give me some love, no matter who you are, and I'll give some love back.

Go on, on your bike. GTFO ---->>


Rowdy said...

you're right! pretentious music snobs are deserving of hate. and all the ugly ass clothes they wear.

Brenda said...

Damn right. Looks like being his is not being hip.