Thursday, August 26, 2010

Surfingggg, duuude!!!

This has been the longest week of my entire life!! But in a good way.

Today I saw something at the store I work at, something I've never seen before apart that from the telly. Surfboard wax. Yeah!! it looks like soap and comes on different colours and packages, and it smells DELICIOUS. The name of the brand is STICKY BUMPS, looks like this:

I'm gonna buy a surfboard as soon as I get the chance. Since I work in front of the beach and get off around 4 pm, it's a perfect time for surfing and tanning! ^_^

Speaking about different things, I've been writing a lot with cursive letter, and have been drawing a lot of KICK ASS SHIT. I've never considered myself a good drawer, but hey! who knew I was talented? Pictures to be displayed later on!!

I'm off to run some miles. Take care everyone! (who reads this meh!)



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