Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Maybe it's still there today....

Music (especially when I’m driving)
Pretzel Chips
Anime (Magical Girl, Harem, Yaoi, Yuri and Magical gf
Jokes (racist ones especially)
Bobas (aka bubble tea, google it)
Cigarettes (I’m not that picky with’em anymore)
Beer, Wine, Whiskey, Vodka and Tequila (rum in coffee tastes good tho)
Shopping for a new season (when I have money, otherwise I don’t even go to the mall, what’s the point?)
Lip balm (x10)
Victoria’s Secret
Movies (I’ve become more open about this, too)
Accents (My favourite ones are: British [especially geordie, manc, and any scottish one] Virgina (YES) Argentine, and Spanish [Barcelona to be precise)
Asian cuisine (pho, rolls, sushi, you name it!)
Bohemian/hippiesh/arty handbags
Anything brown or purple :)
Sauna Rooms
White boys <3


A photograph I took over Balboa park

A few from Ocean Beach


Random faves.

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